


そして長谷寺を参拝、仏像が無事彫りあがることを祈ると、7日目に「急ぎ京へ向かえば仏師を遣わす」とのお告げを受ける。急ぎ京へと足を運ぶと、一刀のみを持つ童子が「私は仏師である、仏像を彫るから私に任せろ」と現れた。高房の子は喜んだが、貴重な材であることから、まずは別の材に試し彫りをさせてみると、見事な仏像を彫り上げた。そしてこの童子に材を託すと「九旬(90日)で彫り上げる」と約束すると部屋に籠った。そして90日が立ち、部屋の中をのぞくと、そこには童子の姿はなく、千手観音がそこには鎮座していた。これは長谷観音の化身だったのではと喜び、約束通りこの観音像を 摂州嶋下郡に移し、新たに寺を建立した。

その後さらに火災があり、今現在安置されている十一面観音像は明治初期に福岡にて製作されたものだ。12年に一回の公開もいつから行われているのかがはっきりしないらしい。そして面白いのが、大阪の補陀洛山 総持寺にも全く同じ伝承が伝わっているのだ。
Tobikata Mountain Daikou Temple:11 faced Kannon shown to the public only once every 12 years
There are many temples and shrines in Japan. These temples and shrines are normally supported by the locals and supporters. But as time goes by this traditional system has lost it’s form and many temples and shrines are loosing it’s heritage and are being beried in the history. It is more so in the rural area and so is the Tobikata Daikou Temple. Only once every 12 years, its 11 faced Kannon statue is open to the public. But the history and the legend behind it is not known even to the locas of Yame.
It’s history is long and deep. It dates back to 609AD, when the holy monk Nichira visited the area from Kudara, or a modern day Korea. He curved the 11 faced Kannon as well as the Forr Devas, and the two Devas King.This temple consisted of many buildings covering a vast area, but was burned down by the fire caused by the lightning in 774AD

It was later said to be re-built by a famous monk Gyoki, but the timeline does not mach, so it is possible that his disciple had been involved in the reconstruction. And from here the history gets interesting. In Kanpyo era(889AD~898AD), Fujiwara Takafusa of Dazaifu asked Ninkyo from China to obtain a large piece of precious saldalwood for him. Ninkyo was able to find a large enough piece, but was stopped by the local government. So he wrote “ This piece is for Takafusa of Japan” and floated it out to the sea.
And the years past. And the son of Takafusa found the sandalwood washed ashore and found his father’s name written there. He decided to keep his father’s will and decided to head to Kyoto to have the Kannon curved. But as he was passing by Sessyu-Shimashimo region(current day Ibaraki,Osaka),the sandlewood suddenly became too heavy to move. So he promised that as he has the Kannon curved, he will place it there. Then he was able to carry it to Kyoto.
On the way to Kyoto, he stopped by Hase Temple and prayed. On the 7th night there, In his dream he heard a word.”Go quick to Kyoto and you shall meet a curver”. So he left in a hurry and as he arrived, he met a child holding a knife. He claimed “I am a Buddha curver, Leave it to me”. Takafusa’s son joyed but also doubted, so asked to curve him a sample. A child then curved such a beautiful Buddha, so Takafusa’s son asked him to curve for him. “I will curve in 90days” a child settled in the room to curve. Aster 90days, Takafusa’s son took a peek, and the child was nowhere to be seen, but a thousand-armed Kannon standing there. He believed it was an incarnation of Hase Kannon, and as he promised, placed it at Sessyu-Shimashimo area and opend a new temple.
A while later, He brought it back to Dazaifu. But every night Kannon glowed and flew to the direction of Chikugo. So he followed it, and climbed the mountain it had reached, and fould a small alter abandoned with 11faced Kannon inside. He felt sorry for it and made another thousand-armed Kannon and placed it there and built a temple. Tobikata literally means “ to fly” and this mountain was called Tobikata Mountain.
After Onin war in 1748, a famine swept the country, and to make a daily living, the local decided to make a charcoal with a large pine tree near the temple. But with a gust of a wind, fire covered the temple and all burnt to ash except for an arm of a thousand-armed Kannon, which a local retrieved through a small hole he cut thorugh on an alter.
Due to the poverty, no one was able to reconstruct the temple, but one of the local decided to make a thousand-armed Kannon as a replacement with and arm saved from fire place inside. In 1627, a temple was moved again to a current place.
Later on another fire burnt down the temple once again, but the temple was reconstructed in Meiji period with 11 faced Kannon being curved in Fukuoka. It is unknown as to when this once in the 12 years tradtion started.
One very interesting thing is that there is a similar lore at Souji Temple in Ibaraki, Osaka. It seems these historical lores match.
Also there is a local mystery that every year, will-o’- the-wisp fly from Kemari-fuchi(deep pool) to Tobikata Mountain.

No one knows if these lores are true or not, but to imagine it is such an entertainment. Also to watch the old aged locals saying “ This is last time for me to be able to see it” and shooting photo with their smartphone was so interesting to see. Old and new, A history carries on and a time goes by.